8. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları


  1. Amaçlarla nedenlerini eşleştiriniz ( 20 puan)

1.I would like to be a singer a. as I want to meet different cultures
2.I want to run my own business b. because I want to have a good education
3.I want to go abroad c. as I would like to be famous
4.I would like to get married d. because I want to run my own business
5.I want to study at Boğaziçi University e. as I want to have children

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  1. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri verilen gruplara yerleştiriniz ( 20 puan)
flexible, sociable, irresponsible, impolite, hardworking, disrespectful, honest, lazy, shy, practical

Strength Weakness
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

  1. Kelimeleri eşleştiriniz ( 10 puan)

1.Proud of
2.Good up
3.Curious at
4.Interested in
5.Look about

D.Resimlerin altına parantez içindeki kelimeleri yazın ( reading, speaking, writing, listening)

E. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri cümlelerdeki boşluklara yerleştiriniz ( 15 puan)
interrupt, afraid of, native speakers, guess, write down
1.Try to practice speaking with __________________
2.Don’t be __________________ making mistakes
3.Try to _________________ the meaning of unknown words from the context
4._______________ the new vocabulary in your notebook
5.Don’t __________________ your friends while he/she is speaking

Aşağıdaki kelimeleri cümlelerdeki boşluklara yerleştiriniz ( 15 puan)
waste, solar energy, recycle, save, ozone layer
1.You should ____________ the paper and bottles you used
2.________________ is obtained from sun’s heat and light
3.__________________ protects the Earth from UV rays
4.We shouldn’t _________________ energy
5.Turn off the lights when not necessary to __________ energy

Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları “in case” veya “so that” ile doldurunuz ( 12 puan)
1.Use suncream _____________ you get sunburnt
2.Wear sunglasses ____________ you protect your eyes
3.Drive carefuuly ____________ you have an accident
4.Take your raincoat ____________ it is rainy
5.I am saving money _____________ I can go abroad
6.Review your notes regularly ____________ you undrestand better

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