11. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları

Point: ………….. 16/03/2014  Name / Surname:

19. The lecture was ....... interesting ....... the time passed remarkably quickly.
A) as/as B) much/so C) very/that
D) more/than E) so/that

20. We were all disappointed that there was no football match last night ......... the terrible weather conditions.
A) even if B) owing to C) in spite of
D) as though E) when

21. Science fiction writers in the 1950s ....... that a permanent settlement on Mars ....... a reality by the year 2OOO.
A) think/will become
B) were thinking/becomes
C) have thought/is becoming
D) thought/would have become
E) had thought/has become

22. Apparently, the passenger ......... when his passport ........ .
A) was sleeping/was stolen
B) sleeps/will be stolen
C) has slept/had been stolen
D) slept/would have stolen
E) is sleeping/is stolen

23. Cricket ........ by two teams, each consisting of 11 players, and substitutions ........ only for injured or ill players.
A) is going play/have made
B) should be played/will make
C) will have played/are made
D) has been played/had to make
E) is played/can be made

24. Preschool education ........ from day-care centres in that the latter are primarily places where parents ........their children during working hours.
A) differed/will leave B) differs/leave
C) had differed/were left D) will differ/are left
E) has differed/were leaving

25. Experts define a good bed as one that is ........ too hard ......... too soft.

A) neither/nor B) whether/or
C) such/that D) both/and
E) not only/but also

26. It is essential that no one leaves the building .......... .
A) so that the building is very crowded
B) until the police have checked everyone's identity
C) as though everyone was still inside
D) yet it is still possible that there were a lot of people-
inside at the time
E) provided that nobody could state a valid excuse

27. Last year there was such a lot of rain in the south of the country ......... .
A) so there was not enough in the rest of the country
B) than the amount which was forecast by the weather station
C) when there was a lot of suffering and homelessness caused by them
D) that it appeared as though it would never stop
E) since there had not been that much rain for a long time

28. .......... until his car was stolen and he got mugged on the same day.
A) His life was so bad that he was sure he was due for a spell of good luck
B) The police were sure that they knew where the robbers were hiding
C) He never believed that he lived in a dangerous part of town
D) He enjoyed the security of his job even though the salary was low
E) No matter how hard he worked, he always seemed to have trouble paying his bills

29. …………… but she managed to explain what had happened.
A) She could speak French perfectly
B) She was able to talk to the manager
C) She used to tell people how she had won the races
D) Her French was rather poor
E) She knew how to programme a computer

30. By the 1920s a number of architects in Europe and the United States …………….
A) had established a basis for a truly contemporary style
B) have influenced architects everywhere
C) want to live in the center of the city

D) have already started a new school of art
E) which had been the center of industrialization

When men first went into space in the late 1950s, everyone expected that space travel would develop far faster than it actually has. Within ten years of the first man orbiting the Earth, men were actually walking on the surface of the Moon. It was at that point that more problems arose. A series of disasters led to the highly publicized deaths of a number of astronauts and cosmonauts. Added to that, the cost of manned space flight became literally "astronomical". While there are manned space stations orbiting the Earth today, most people in the '60s would have expected a moon base, and certainly a manned landing on Mars by this time.

31- In the late 1950s ......... .
A) men were walking on the moon
B) many astronauts and cosmonauts lost their lives
C) space travel developed far faster than it does now
D) most people expected a great deal from space programs
E) mankind had not yet ventured into space

32- It is clear from the passage that ...... .
A) advances in space travel have not kept up with earlier expectations
B) space travel is one of the most
important technological achievements of recent years
C) until a few decades ago, few people realised how expensive space travel would be
D) poverty and famine are, in part, caused by expensive space travel
E) there will soon be a manned landing on Mars

33- It is stated in the passage that, until the late 1960s, ........ .
A) there were relatively few problems with the space program
B) man still hadn't achieved a major success in his space venture
C) the number of astronauts with a good astronomical knowledge was small
D) the space technology was not advanced enough to prevent accidents
E) people did not believe that man could walk on the Moon

We all know the situation - a good friend recommends you a restaurant and you are looking forward to a nice quiet dinner, but the meal turns out to be less peaceful than expected because of a number of uninvited guests -James Last, The Beatles, Mireille Mathieu, Mozart -depending on the owner’s fancy. You can count yourself lucky if you like what you hear coming over the loudspeakers. But what about the customers who can not stand James Last or simply want peace and quietness? There is nothing they can do because radio sets at home can be switched off but not restaurant loudspeakers. So they simply become the captive audience of sounds they do not want.

34. The music in the restaurants is _____.
A) always what the customers would like to listen to
B) mostly the songs that people die for listening C) performed by the owner himself
D) usually ruined by some uninvited guests
E) usually determined by the owner

35. According to the passage, you are lucky___.
A) if you can’t find a quiet and peaceful restaurant
B) if the music in the restaurant is something you like
C) if you don't have to listen to James Last in a restaurant
D) if you are unable to hear the music in a restaurant
E) if you are not one of those customers who hate music

36. The writer describes the customers as a captive audience because _____.
A) they usually like the music thrown at them
B) they have to pay a special charge for the music
C) he wants to show how easy they are to please
D) they can't escape the music
E) they have the freedom to decide upon the music they'd like to listen

37. Pat :Why do you want to be a geologist?
That’s a man’s job.
Marry: _____
Pat : But what else is there to do?
Marry: A lot of work is carried out

A) Of course it isn’t. There are lots of women geologists.
B) No, it isn’t. Not unless you’re doing field work all the time.
C) Not really. My mother wants me to be geologist too.
D) That’s what everyone else told me.
E) What are you planning to do?

38. Customer: I’m looking for a two-bedroom flat, not too expensive, in a quiet area.
Agent : Well, I’ve got one here at a reasonable price, but it’s in the city center.
Customer: I don’t really want the center.
Agent : _____.
Customer: Yes, but it is so noisy.

A) You can fit double - glazing on the windows
B) At weekends, it used to be quite noisy, but not now
C) I was given good advice to have a look at this flat soon
D) But it’s so convenient to be central. It saves travelling
E) Before making a decision, you should see it again at a busy time of The day

39. A: Mrs. Simpson, could you tell me who most often starts divorce proceedings, men or women?
B: Women.
A: _____?
B: Well, the legal reason which is commonly stated in the court is adultery.

A) Is it illegal
B) It sounds reasonable, doesn’t it
C) What is the most common reason for divorce
D) What are the effects on women
E) Why did they show adultery as a common reason

40. One of the most mysterious things in nature is the ability of certain creatures to find their way home, sometimes from great distances. _____. Bees, eels and salmon are also able to return to a particular place after long journeys.
A) Birds are not the only ones who can do this
B) In one case seven dogs were taken 400 miles from home
C) They can fly incredible distances without stopping
D) It is said that they have an instinct to dot his
E) Bees offer an amazing example of this ability

41. The main thing to say about the weather in Britain is that it is unpredictable. _____. Every morning when you wake up is a glorious surprise-especially if you have planned to go to the seaside and you find it is pouring with rain.
A) People think that it is never very hot in Britain and they don’t have plans of having a holiday by the seaside
B) You can never tell with certainty from one day to the next what the weather is going to be like
C) Some tourists get quite wrong impression about the weather in Britain
D) The weather is changeable but you can always trust the weather forecast on the radio
E) The typical picture of London was a foggy November morning

42. (I) In our modern world, we think that happiness is our natural state and that we should avoid stress whenever possible. (II) We think that stress is not good because it may be unpleasant. (III) We might feel pain, because of it, and we think that pain is bad. (IV) According to Dr. Selye, the causes of stress are not the same in all cultures. (V) Surely it hurts, but can we have happiness without pain?

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

43. (I) “Kramer versus Kramer” is a story about a father whose name is Ted Kramer. (II) In the story Ted Kramer fights his ex-wife, Joanna, to get permanent custody of their five-year-old son Billy. (III) “Kramer versus Kramer”, by Avery Corman was published by Random House in 1977. (IV) Ted, was not sure that he even wanted a child when Billy was born. (V) But later he realizes that he cannot live without the boy when he takes care of Billy by himself.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

44. (I) The first year of marriage is certain to be difficult. (II) Suddenly two people discover that they are no longer responsible only to themselves; instead they have to consider the feelings and needs of the other. (III) No one should make the mistake of rushing into marriage. (IV) In the first year of marriage, both partners have to learn to accept their annoying little habits that both are bound to have. (V) It is also in the first year that a married couple must learn how to deal with their in-laws.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

45. 235 milyonu aşan bir nüfus, Amerikan
işletmelerine hem işçi hem de tüketici sağlar.

A) A population of more than 235 million people provides both workers and consumers for American businesses.
B) Both workers and consumers provide a population of more than 235 million people for American businesses.
C) The population of America, which is more than 235 million people, is likely to provide both workers and consumers for American businesses.
D) American businesses provide both workers and consumers from a population of more than 235 million people.
E) 235 million workers and consumers provide a population for American businesses.

46. Bazı balıkların gözleri sadece suda etraflarında olan biteni değil, havada da ne olduğunu görmelerini sağlar.
A) Some fish are not only able to see what's going on in the water but also in the air by the help of their eyes.
B) Some fish is only able to see the things happening in the water but not the things above the surface.
C) The eyes of some fish have the ability of noticing the things happening in the water but not above the surface of the water.
D) It is possible for a fish to see what's going on in the water and understand the things above the water by the help of their eyes.
E) The eyes of some fish enable them to see not only what's going on in the water around them but also in the air.

47. Onun suikastın ardında olduğundan kimse kuşkulanmadı. Ne var ki, onu akla getiren açık kanıtlar vardı.

A) To be sure, nobody felt suspicious of him being behind the plot, but there was clear evidence implicating him.
B) Although he wasn't suspected of being behind the assassination, there was clear evidence implicating him.
C) Nobody suspected him of being behind the assassination, yet, there was clear evidence implicating him.
D) He was suspected of being behind the plot but there was no clear evidence implicating him.
E) Although there wasn't clear evidence implicating him, everybody suspected him of being behind the assassination.

48. Everybody was astonished at seeing that he denied everything instead of apologizing to Mary.

A) Herkes Mary'nin özür dileyecek yerde her şeyi inkar etmesini hayretle karşıladı.
B) Herkes, onun Mary'den özür dilemesini beklerken her şeyi ona yüklemesine hayret etti.
C) Mary'den özür dileyecek yerde her şeyi inkar etmesi çok şaşırtıcıydı.
D) Mary'den özür dileyeceği yerde her şeyi inkar etmesini görmek herkesi hayretler içinde bıraktı.
E) Mary'nin her şeyi inkar edip ondan özür dilemesi herkesi şaşırttı.

49. The Prime Minister puts great emphasis on the need to deal effectively with inflation.

A) Başbakan enflasyonla etkili bir şekilde mücadele gereğine büyük önem vermektedir.
B) Cumhurbaşkanı enflasyonla ilgili büyük bir mücadele verme gereğini vurguluyor.
C) Başbakana göre önem verilmesi gereken şey
enflasyon ile ilgili verilmesi gereken mücadelelerdir.
D) Başbakan, enflasyonla mücadelede gereken büyük önlemleri vurgulamaktadır.
E) Cumhurbaşkanına göre, enflasyonla etkili bir şekilde mücadele etmek gereğine büyük önem verilmelidir.

50. Since the turn of the century, psychologists have been interested in how and why fear is manifested in humans.

A) Ruhbilimciler bu yüzyılda korkuyu incelemek üzere insanlara yönelmişlerdir.
B) Yüzyılımızda dikkatlerini insanlara çeviren ruhbilimciler buldukları karşısında korkuya kapılmışlardır.
C) Korkunun insanlarda niçin ve nasıl göründüğüyle ilgilenen ruhbilimciler yüzyılın başından beri dikkatle çalışmaktadırlar.
D) Yüzyılımız eskiye döndüğünden, ruhbilimciler korkunun insanlarda niçin ve nasıl göründüğüyle ilgilenmektedirler.
E) Yüzyılın başından beri ruhbilimciler korkunun insanlarda nasıl ve niçin göründüğüyle ilgilenmektedirler.

Evaluation: 50x2=100 points
Duration: 45 minutes


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. E
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. D
  13. E
  14. E
  15. C
  16. B
  17. E
  18. D
  19. E
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. E
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. D
  32. A
  33. A
  34. E
  35. B
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. C
  45. A
  46. E
  47. C
  48. D
  49. A
  50. E
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