11. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
11. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

11. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları

My name is Robert Smith, but everybody calls me Rob. I’m eleven years old. I was born in Brighton, England, on February 26th 2000, but I live with my family in Sunderland, 388 Km north of London. My mother is Sarah and she’s 37 years old. She’s a fashion designer. She designs clothes for women. She’s tall and slim, and she’s got long curly fair hair and blue eyes. She’s very friendly and helpful. My father is Joshua and he’s 36. He’s a detective. He catches criminals. He’s a little bit taller than my mom and he’s also slim. He’s got short brown hair and brown eyes. He’s very nice and he has a good sense of humor. He is always telling jokes. I’ve got a brother. His name is Eric. He’s 7 years old and he’s in Year 2 in Moorlands School. I also go to Moorlands school, but I’m in Year 7. My brother is shorter than me and he’s slim. He’s got short straight brown hair and brown eyes. He looks like my father. I look like my mother. I’ve got short wavy fair hair and blue eyes. My brother and I get along well. Most of the time we are good friends, but sometimes we fight because he takes my things without asking me.

  1. Multiple-choice Test (6p)

1) Robert is ….…
a) England b) American c) English

2) He lives … London. a) far from b) near c) in

3. His mother is … than his father.
a) much older b) younger c) older

4. His father is a…………. person.
a) humorous b) sad c) serious

5. Robert has got………...…
a) a sister b) a brother c) two siblings

6. Robert is …… than Eric.
a) slimmer b) taller c) shorter

B) Answer the questions? (15 p)

1.What’s Robert’s nickname?................................................................................................................
2.When was he born?............................................................................................................................
3.Where does he live? ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4.What are his parents’ jobs? …………………………………………………………………………..
5.How do Robert and his brother get along with each other? …………………………………………………..

C) Family relationships. Complete the sentences (8p)
1. Mr. Smith is Robert’s grandfather, so Robert and
Eric are his ……………………………..

2. Robert’s grandfather and grandmother are his ……………………………………
3. Robert has an uncle – Mr. Walker. He has two children. The children are Robert’s ………………….
4. Robert is Mr. Walker’s ………………………….

D) Match the sentence halves. Write the letters in the boxes. (6p)
1. Robert’s parents have got

a) both slim.
2. Robert’s mother likes to

b) the middle child in the family.
3. His parents are

c) his mother.
4. Eric is

d) two siblings.
5. Robert and Eric are

e) help people.
6. Robert looks like

f) the youngest in the family.

g) two children.

h) in the same school.

E) Write who the words in bold refer to in the text. (4p)

a).he (line 5) __________ b) I (line 7) _________
c) me (line 9) ________ d) we (line 11) ________

F) Look at the sentences and Complete the sentences with “USED TO”(9p)

1) He ........................ (be) a rich man, 2) He .................... (fish) every week 3)..........you............(eat) junk but now he is a poor but now he does. food when you were a child ?

G) Use the words and make a sentence “PERFECT TENSE ”( 8p)

1) study/he/exam/the/for/yet/? 2) since / seven/he/ play/ the/was /piano /he
.................................................... ......................................................................

3) watch/ horror /you/ film /ever /? 4) my / homework/ he /finish /brother/already
........................................................... ...........................................................................
H) Fill in the blanks with have to, has to, had to, didn’t have to; doesn’t have to, don’t have to( 8p)

1) In the past Children…………….…..for miles to go to school, but nowadays they………………..

2) My father is retired he..............................go to work now but he..............................work last year

3) You............................helmet while driving motorbike because it is very dangreous.

4) My grandpa made bread it was so delicious that so we................................to buy for dinner.

5) You are ill, so you ................................take vitamins three times a day

6) The bus didn’t come yesterday, so they...........................wait more than 2 hours for the next bus.
J) Complete the sentences. Use should / shouldn’t + one of these verbs (15 p)

*try *rest *save *see *behave *spend *take *lie *forget * stay up

1) Mary …………….
more time with her baby.

2) Tom………...……..
under the sun. It’s dangerous.

3) Larry is broke. He ……………...... more money

4) Mom……….........
so many pills every night.

5) Rita broke her leg so she…....…………
for a while.

6) Roger is a naughty boy. He……....…....so silly.

7) You …….............…
Peter’s birthday present

8) Mike…………..….
so late every night.

9) This cake is great. You ……….....a piece.

10) Tom…..………..a dentist right away.

K) Choose the best answer (10p)

L) Answer the question....(12p)

1) Write 2 sentences about things you had to do when you were a little boy or girl

2) What is the worst Tv program you have ever watched?

3) Your sister failed English exam. What should your sister do?

4) Where did you use to go for summer when you were a child?

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