5. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 3. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları

A**Aşağıdaki kelimelerden farklı olanları işaretleyiniz.18/2

  • Headache-windy-flu-backache-cough
  • January-February-june-october-summer
  • tall -big-water -young- old
  • morning-running-reading-swimming-dancing
  • postman-teacher-milkman-policeman-snowman
  • what -white -where -who -how much
  • behind -museum-next to-under-opposite
  • tea -coffee -sandwich -milk-lemonade
  • kitchen—classroom—bedroom—toilet-bathroom

B**Aşağıda karışık verilen kelimerden kurallı cümle ler oluşturunuz.15/3p
  • football-can-you-?-play
  • …………
  • milk-am-now-drinking- I
  • ……..
  • sisters-oranges-are-my-eating-now
  • ……
  • doesn’t-English-she-speak
  • …….
  • got-blue-Bilge-four-pencils-has
  • … 

C))Hastalıklara ait doğru kelimeyi uygun resimin altına yazınız. 10p/2p
**headache***toothcache**stomachache***cough*** sore throat ***backache**temperature

D) Aşağıdaki resimlerin altına uygun cümleyi yazınız.12p/2p

**She is watering the flowers. **He is reading a book. **They are running **He is skipping rope.
**He is eating a biscuit. **He is running. **They are singing a song. ** She is drinking milk

E) Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz(daire içine alınız).5p/1p
  • Ayeşe likes (drink/ drinking/ drinks) milk.
  • We are ( play/ plays/ playing) football now.
  • Your uncle(is /are /am ) sleeping in the bedroom now
  • A tall student (can /can’t /is ) play basketball.
  • I (am / is / are) doing my homework now.
F) Aşağıdaki sorulara ait yanıtları bularak numarasını yazınız—20p/2p
  1. What is your name ?
  2. What is your mother’s name ?
  3. Where is your brother from ?
  4. What are you doing ?
  5. What colour is a lemon ?
  6. How much are those books ?
  7. Can a fish fly ?
  8. Has your English teacher got blue eyes ?
  9. How old are you ?
  10. Does a horse run fast ?
-------I am eleven years old.
-------No, It can’t.
-------It is yellow.
-------Yes, it does.
-------My name is Mehmet.
-------They are five pounds.
------- No,he hasn’t.
------- Her name is Fatma.
--------I am answering the questions now.
------- He is from Istanbul.

G) Aşağıdaki cümleleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.20p/4p
  • In Picture one Wilma is sitting on the left . In Picture two Betty is watching television
  • ………….
  • I am painting the walls and the doors. Can you help me ? No, I am sorry I can’t.
  • ………..
  • The weather is sunny and warm. There are alot of children at the park. They are having fun.
  • …………
  • Ayşe always drinks coffee but she is drinking tea now.
  • ……….
  • What is your new music teacher like ? He is tall and handsome. He has got curly brown hair.
  • ……..

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