2013 7. Sinif İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı Sınav Soruları ve Cevapları

Hansel and Gretel
Once upon a time there was a woodcutter. He had two children, Hansel and Gretel. The children had a stepmother. She didn’t want the children. She wanted his husband to take them into the forest. Their father and children went to the forest and he left them alone in the forest. But Hansel and Gretel had small Stones. They followed them and returned home. When they returned home, their stepmother wasn’t happy to see Hansel and Gretel. Two days later, their father took Hansel and Gretel to the forest again. This time, they had bread with them. But they couldn’t return home this time because the birds ate the bread. They saw a little house in the forest. It was a candy house. The witch had the house. The witch wanted to eat Hansel and Gretel. But they ran away from the witch. They walked for long hours and at last they returned home. Finally they were happy with their father because their stepmother died one day ago. They lived happily forever.
A)Answer the questions(7*2=14 pts)
1. What did their stepmother want his husband? 5. What did the witch want?
2. How did they return home at first? 6. When did their stepmother die?
3. Who ate the bread? 7. What happened at the end of the story?
4. How was the house in the forest?
B)Fill in the blanks with “was / wasn’t / were / weren’t/ did / didn’t” (16P)
Linda: You ……………………..attend the meeting yesterday. Where ……………….you?
James: You are right I ……………………….. at the hospital
Linda: Oh, what ………………..the problem with you?
James: I was ok but my sister …………………. . She broke her arm
Linda: How ………………..it happen?
James:: She hit a car with her bike.
Linda: …………………you see the accident?
James: No, I …………………….. .
C)True / False (2x5=16p.)
1- The characters of the tales are usually animals …………..
2- Turkish soldiers are very brave ………….
3- Müjde Hatipoğlu is our history teacher …………….
4- Benjamin Franklin discovered America……………..
5- Köroğlu isn’t a tale, it is a legend ……………
6- Everyone has got personal skills ………………
7- Mobile phone isn’t a very important invention………….

D) Fill in the sentences with the past form of the words. (10. 2=20P)
a. Susan ……………….(have) a shower f. I …………….(buy) a new dress today
b. This time last year we …………………….(be) in İzmir g. The children……………….(find) a wallet
c. The baby …………………(sleep) on the sofa h. I …………………(take) an aspirin
d. My father ……………………….(get) well I’m very happy now i. We ………………….(not eat) anything today
e. He ……………………..(make)a reservation . j. My friend…………………….(come) late.

G) E) Complete the sentences by matching.(10P)

1. When I woke up
2. When the accident happened
3. When you called me
4. When I saw the UFO
5. When Helen heard the bad news
a. ……..I was in the bathroom
b. ………I was afraid
c. ………my friend called the ambulance
d. ………..It was eleven o’clock
e. ……….She started to cry.

F) Fill in the blanks with the words in the box (last / yesterday/ ago / in /next / tomorrow) (10P)
a. There wasn’t any traffic problems a hundred years………………………
b. Did you watch the match on TV ………………………….night?
c. What did you do …………………………….? You didn’t call me
d. You will be 8th grades …………………………. year
e. What will you do ………………………………..? Let’s go on a picnic?

1- Colombus …………America.
a) Invented
b) Discovered
c) Found
d) Conquered
2- “Battle” kelimesinin eş anlamlısı hangisidir?
a) War
b) Soldier
c) Army
d) Military
3- The film ……………for 2 hours
a) Go
b) Went
c) Lasted
d) Last
4- I didn’t call John because I…………find his telephone number
5- Mark was a genius he …………….
count to 100 when he was five.
a) Could
b) Couldn’t
c) Can
d) Can’t
6- “Yetenek sizsiniz” wants ………………people
a) Personal
b) Skills
c) Talented
d) ability
7- Pinokyo usually tells …….
a) Truth
b) False
c) Lie
d) Real
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