10. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları

  1. Will or Be going to with the verbs in parenthesis (boşlukları parantez içindeki kelimelerle beraber uygun zamanla doldurun ) (10p)
1-   A: Fiona, you look very pale. Are you alright?
B: No, I think I ………………............…………… (faint).
2- A: Are you driving all the way without stopping?
B: No, we discussed this last week. We …………………………................…………… (break) the journey with an overnight stop at a hotel.
3- A: Look! There’s blue ink all over my favourite blouse.
B: Well, I ……………………................………… (wash) it now.
4- A: Dad, the door handle just came off in my hand.
B: Right. I ………………...……………………… (fetch) my tool kit.
5- We ……………………................…………… (travel) by train to the resort. We bought the tickets three days ago.
B) Fill in the blanks with ‘Let’ or ‘be allowed to’. (boşlukları let ya da allowed t 0 doldurun ) (10 points)

1. Parents never .....................their children go on holiday alone .
2. We are not ............................... play the piano at English class.
3. I will not ....................my friends go for picnic without me.
4. Students are not ............................. leave the classroom until the exam is finished.
5. Our teachers don’t ........................us talk loudly in the corridors.

C)Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. (boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz) (5p)
foreign - wish – shuttle – celebrate – Favour 

1-There is a ............... every hour from hotel to the city center
2-Could you do me a .............. please?
3-People make a ................... on Hıdırellez night
4-People ................ carnivals in fancy costumes
5-I have never been in............. country before.

D)Complete the sentences with REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS in the box. (12p)
myself himself - ourselves - herself - themselves - yourself

1)My son never does his homework by _______.
2)I can do my homework by _________________.
3)We want to go to a picnic by ____________.
4)Gonca can prepare meal by ____________.
5)Do your homework by ____________________.
6)Students have to make their beds by_______.
E) Write requests beginning with Could you....Could I...Would you mind.... Would I mind If.....? (8p)
1)You are in the taxi. İt is very hot in it.You want to open the window ask driver._____________________________________________________________________________________
2) You haven’t got any money. The banks are going to close in 20 minutes Ask your friend to lend some money to you_______________________________________________________________________________
f) Complete the sentences by using SO/Neither…… (boşlukları doldurunuz)(12p)
1) We bought a book yesterday_______________she
2)My father didn’t work very hard yesterday._______I
3)Vilma can play tennis.____________ Fred
4)She swims every summer.________I
G- Answer the questions ( soruları cevaplayınız) 5p
  1. How is the practice of kissing in China?.............................................................................
  2. In a marriage ceremony, what does a Cambodian groom do?.......................................................
  3. What event is celebrated on the fourteen of February?............................................................
  4. What event is celebrated on the thiry first of October?............................................................
  5. In which country “4” is considered an unlucky number?...............................................................

H)Read the text and write True (T) or False (F) ? (Parçayı Okuyun cümleler doğru mu Yanlış mı? (12p)
Last summer, Kaan, his brother and cousin went to Italy for holiday. They went camping in the mountains. They spent a wonderful time. They usually woke up early in the morning with the birds singing. Before breakfast, they went for a walk. They sometimes went to the village, where they bought what they needed. They played cards, they swam in the river, they played guitar or listened to music. Kaan and the others spent good time. They had a lot of fun!

1. Kaan, his brother and his uncle went to Italy________ 4.They went to the seaside________
2. They usually woke up late in the morning._________ 5. They never went to the village.______
3. They swam in the lake________ 6. They had a lot of fun._________
I)change the sentences into PASSIVE (Cümleleri Edilgen olarak tekrar yazınız.) (12p)
1)Active:He washes the dishes
2)Active:The woman cleans the house.
3)Active: William Shakespeare wrote this book
4)Active:She typed the letters
J)Match the sentences with question form. (cümleri uygun soru kalıbı ile eşleştiriniz)(16p)
1)_________is Trabzon from Rize. It is about 40 km
2)________did you go to Brazil. Because I wanted to see nice girls
3)_______milk is there in the bottle? There is a little milk
4)_______books are you reading? I am reading Yaşar Gültekin’s book
5)________did you see Kaan? I saw Kaan last week
6)________did you go to for holiday? We went to Ölüdeniz
7)_______did you go to İstanbul? I went to İstanbul by bus
8)________was at he door? My uncle was at the door

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