9. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 3. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları

  1. Fill in the blanks. Use “Simple Past Tense

  1. I ____________ (buy) the tickets yesterday afternoon.
  2. I don’t want to visit her today. I ____________ (visit) her last night.
  3. Oh, she _______________ (not break) her arm yesterday. She __________________ (break) it last week.
  4. I usually get up early, but I _____________ (get up) late yesterday morning.
  5. _______ you ___________ (read) a newspaper yesterday?
  6. I_____________ (not, watch) the end the film last night because I ___________ (be) very tired.
  7. Mr. Smith, our next door neighbour, _______________ ( not,go) to work yesterday, because he ________ (be) ill.
  1. Complete the sentences using “was – were

  1. My grandmother _____________ (not) a teacher.
  2. He _____________ at home yesterday.
  3. Last year I ____________ 13 years old.
  4. My parents _____________ at home last night.
  5. She _____________ (not) at school this morning.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the present or past form of the verbs and their meanings in Turkish.

see __________ ____________
_________ flew ____________
build __________ ____________
_________ felt ____________
win ___________ ____________
  1. Complete the sentences with “much–many–a lot of”

  1. I’m not going to the cinema tonight. I have got _______________ homework.
  2. There are ______________ boks in the school library.
  3. I haven’t got _______________ money with me.
  4. It is a very small hotel. It hasn’t got ____________ rooms.
  5. Are there _______________ people at the beach now?

  1. Write the Object Pronouns for the underlined words.
( me – you – him – her – it – us – you – them)

  1. Put your books on the table.
Put _________ on the table.
  1. Don’t talk to Jill.
Don’t talk to _______.
  1. Read this story.
Read ________.
  1. Learn the new words today.
Learn __________ today.
  1. We are angry with Tom and Anna.
We are angry with ____________.

  1. Match the words with their synonyms.

A) popular ____ disappointed
B) beautiful ____ famous
C) truthful ____ attractive
D) rich ____ honest
E) furious ____ wealthy

  1. Complete the sentences. Use “had to – didn’t have to

  1. It was raining. We _______________ take our umbrella with us.
  2. Last night my mother wasn’t at home,so I ________________ cook the diner.
  3. I _________________ wait long.She was only a few minutes late.
  4. Yesterday I missed the bus and I _______________ walk home.
  5. Yesterday George gave me a lift, so I _________________ walk to work in the rain.

  1. Complete the sentences.Use “first conditional (type 1)

  1. If he ________________( swim ) for a long time, he_________________ ( get ) very tired.
  2. You __________________ ( feel ) tired tomorrow if you ______________________ ( not go ) to bed now.
  3. If John ___________________ ( tell ) the truth, his parents ______________________( forgive ) him.
  4. If you ___________________( be ) hungry, I ______________________ ( make ) you a sandwich.
  5. We ______________________ ( take ) a taxi if we _______________________( miss ) the bus.

  1. Complete the sentences.Use “zero conditional (type 0)

  1. If I _________________( feel ) ill, I ________________ (see ) a doctor.
  2. If you ______________ ( heat ) ice, it _______________( melt ).
  3. If you ________________ ( fill ) a baloon with hot air, it _________________ ( rise ).
  4. If babies __________________ ( be ) hungry, they _________________ ( cry ).
  5. If people ___________________ ( work ) in an Office, they __________________ ( wear ) a suit.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective.
(comparative or superlative form)
  1. Her miniskirt is _______________________ in the school. (short)
  2. This is _____________________________ day of my life. (good)
  3. Your ticket was _________________________ my ticket.(cheap)
  4. Today’s news is ____________________ than yesterday’s. (bad)
  5. My room is __________________________ in the house. (warm)

Good _______________ ________________
Large ________________ ________________
Bad ________________ ________________
Expensive ________________ ________________
Young ________________ ________________

L) READING: Read the letter.

Dear Mrs Fortune,
I read your advertisement for an au pair girl in the International Times.
I am very interested in the job. I would like to work in Britain this
summer. I like children and I would like to look after your two sons.
My name is Anna Sentinelli and I am nineteen years old. I live in
Padova in Italy with my family. We are a very big family. I have got
six brothers and two sisters. My mother does not go out to work
because she has got a lot to do at home. I am the oldest child in
the family. When I am at home I help her with my younger brothers
and sisters. My father is an engineer. His office is in Venice. He is
not at home very often because he travels a lot for his job.
At university I am studying English and Russian. I want to be an
interpreter. I like reading and cooking.I finish university on the
15th June and I go back on the15th September.

Yours sincerely,
Anna Sentinelli

Now circle the appropriate letter, a, b or c below to complete
the sentences.

1 Anna is writing to ...
a- her parents.
b -a woman for a job
c -a friend

2 Anna wants to ...
a -stay with a British friend.
b -have a holiday in Britain.
c -find a job in Britain.

3 Anna can start work ...
a -in June.
b -in January.
c -in September.

4 In Anna's family there are ...
a -six children.
b -eight children.
c -nine children.

5 Anna is ...
a -an interpreter.
b -studying languages.
c -an engineer.

M) WRITING: Write a short paragraph about last weekend. What did you do? Where did you go?,etc.


  1. 10*1:10
  2. 5*1:5
  3. 10*1:10
  4. 5*1:5
  5. 5*1:5
  6. 5*1:5
  7. 5*1:5
  8. 10*1:10
  9. 10*1:10
  10. 5*1:5
  11. 10*1:10
  12. 5*2:10
  13. :10

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