7.Sınıf İngilizce Sayfa 152 Soruları ve Cevapları ( BilgeTürk )

Sayfadaki a Etkinliği Cevapları
1. He has a toothache.
2. He has the flu.
3. She has temperature.
4. He has a backache.
5. She has a stomachache.
6. He has a sore throat.

Sayfadaki b Etkinliği Cevapları
Yes, they did.
Sayfadaki c Etkinliği Cevapları
1. It gives us a long healthy and more productive life.
2. They were chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
3. A new cancer drug saved the doctor’s life.
4. He felt like a new–born baby.
5. It was 10 %.
6. Doctors’ mission is to increase the awareness of patients.
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